
讲座 | 褚明远 Decoding the hidden messages

上外语言院 上外语言院 2023-06-30


讲座名称:Decoding the hidden messages in face-to-face communication

主讲人:    褚明远


讲座时间:2022/12/14(周三)  19:00-20:30


Zoom会议:996 2472 7411 密码:20221214


褚明远博士是英国阿伯丁大学心理系讲师。本科毕业于南开大学应用心理学系, 硕士毕业于英国布里斯托大学实验心理学系,博士毕业于英国伯明翰大学心理学系. 博士毕业后,他曾先后在英国伯明翰大学和荷兰马克斯普朗克心理语言学研究所担任研究员。他的研究兴趣主要集中在肢体语言尤其是手势动作在日常交流和空间思维中的作用,和肢体语言使用上的个体差异,年龄差异,以及文化差异。他在国际知名心理学期刊(包括Psychological Review,Journal of Experimental Psychology, General等)发表过多篇高引用率论文。他的研究曾获过英国各大研究机构的资金支持(包括英国国家学院,英国实验心理学会,卡内基基金,以及Leverhulme基金)。目前他担任了Gesture期刊编委,卡内基基金评审委员会和认知心理学年会评审委员会委员。

Dr. Chu Mingyuan is a lecturer in the School of Psychology, University of Aberdeen, UK. He received his BSc degree from the Department of Applied Psychology, Nankai University, China, his MSc degree from the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Bristol, UK, and his PhD degree from the School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, UK. Afterwards, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Birmingham and the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in the Netherlands. His research interests mainly focus on the role of body language in daily communication and spatial thinking and individual and cultural differences in nonverbal behaviours. He has published papers in internationally renowned psychological journals (including Psychological Review, Journal of Experimental Psychology, General, etc.). His research has been supported by various funding organizations in the UK (including the British National Academy, the British Society for Experimental Psychology, the Carnegie Foundation, and the Leverhulme Foundation). He currently serves on the editorial board of Gesture Journal, the review committee of the Carnegie Foundation and the review committee of the annual meeting of cognitive psychology.


有效的人际交流是不止于表达和理解字面意思的。要了解说话人的真实意图,我们通常需要理解言外之意。尤其是当人们间接表达自己的意见时, 字面意思和真实意图往往是不同的。比如,“你的画还有改进的余地。”。因此,要真正理解说话者的意图,听话的人很大程度上需要依赖语境和肢体语言的线索。在这次演讲中,我将介绍人们如何在日常交流中使用语言和肢体语言来表达和理解间接含义,以及中国人和英国人在使用肢体语言线索来理解间接含义时的文化差异。

Effective communication involves more than sending and receiving surface meanings. To understand someone's true intention, we often need to go beyond the literal meaning of what the speaker says. Literal meanings and true intentions are often dissociated when people express their opinions indirectly (e.g., “Your drawing still has room for improvement.”). To understand a speaker’s true intention, the listener has to rely on contextual and paralinguistic cues. In this talk, I will present how people encode and decode indirect messages through verbal and non-verbal behaviours and how Chinese and British people differ in decoding indirect meanings from nonverbal cues.



